Curated for beginners, this is a short course of 14 sessions that gives an overview of all the modules in the FPMT Discovering Buddhism Programme. It introduces students to the Stages of the Path (lam rim) and touches on the main Buddhist topics of concern, such as Mind and Its Potential, The Spiritual Teacher, Karma, Refuge, Bodhicitta and Wisdom of Emptiness. This course will be taught in two parts of seven topics each. Part 1 will be conducted in March and April 2023. The schedule for Part 2 will be confirmed at a later date.
The sessions will be conducted on site. Registration is not required. The prayer hall will open 30 minutes before each session, and seating is on a firstcome, first served basis. Please note that the wearing of face-mask inside the ABC gompa is optional, but participants are strongly encouraged to do so. Please help to create a safe environment for everyone by not coming to the Centre if you are unwell. Thank you.
Part 1 (Topics 1 to 7) – taught by Mr. Benny Law
Saturdays: 2pm – 4pm
Session 1. Mind and Its Potential
This session examines the meaning of “mind” and its nature according to Buddhism. It also explores the role our mind plays in determining our experience of happiness and suffering. Basic techniques will be introduced for transforming destructive thoughts and attitudes and developing a more positive and joyous mind.
Session 2. How to Meditate
Learn the definition of meditation and its differentiation into two kinds of meditation—placement and analytical—and their respective results. Practical instructions will be provided on how to start a meditation practice and sustain it.
Session 3. Presenting the Path
Get an overview of the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lam rim) as presented in Tibetan Buddhism with emphasis on how the practices of the three types of capable beings encompass the different important Buddhist topics that is easy to understand and put into practice.
Session 4. The Spiritual Teacher
In this session, we examine the role of a teacher on the spiritual path, the qualities of a teacher, the advantages of having such a relationship, and how to relate to a teacher for the greatest benefit in our spiritual life.
Session 5. Death and Rebirth
Explore the Buddhist explanation of the process of death and rebirth and how awareness of the fact of death can positively impact our lives.
Session 6. All About Karma (17 June 2023)
This is a presentation of how karma works through understanding the four general principles of karma. The session highlights the importance of motivation and how this is the basis for making our actions meaningful.
Session 7. Refuge in the Three Jewels (24 June 2023)
Understand the meaning of refuge in Buddhism, the reasons for going for refuge, the objects of refuge: the Three Jewels of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and their qualities, and how to go for refuge.
Part 2 (Topics 8 to 14) – taught by Ms. Koh Guat Cheng
Saturdays: 2pm – 4pm
Session 8. Establishing a Daily Practice (1 July 2023)
Having learnt the need to practice Dharma consistently, how then do we establish a daily practice of prayers and meditations? This topic will briefly explain the practices that one can engage in on a daily basis that involves accumulation of merit and purification for generating realizations.
Session 9. Samsara and Nirvana (8 July 2023)
Investigate what samsara is and how we are stuck in it. Find out what nirvana is and how to achieve it. Develop the determination to be free from suffering and gain confidence in applying practical tools to deal with and eliminate disturbing emotions forever.
Session 10. How to Develop Bodhicitta (15 July 2023)
This introduces the altruistic motivation of bodhicitta as based on kindness and compassion with the aspiration to achieve enlightenment in order to work for the welfare of all sentient beings. Learn the techniques to generate the mind of bodhicitta.
Session 11. Transforming Problems (22 July 2023)
Since mind is the creator of all our happiness and suffering, how do we transform our way of thinking to create more happiness for oneself and others? How can we fully utilise the problems we face daily as aids for the path to enlightenment? This topic helps us identify the mind as the source of our problems, and develop a different attitude toward problems.
Session 12. Wisdom of Emptiness (29 July 2023)
Gaining the wisdom of emptiness is a crucial step for the attainment of both liberation and enlightenment, but what is emptiness? Why are we and everything else “empty”? This topic helps us to develop an understanding of emptiness that is free from the two extremes of nihilism and eternalism.
Session 13. Introduction to Tantra (5 August 2023)
Buddhist tantra is harmonious with the sutra teachings, while differing from sutra in several aspects. In this session, we will learn what tantra is, how it works, and why it is a powerful form of practice.
Session 14. Special Integration Experiences (12 August 2023)
This briefly highlights the topics covered in the Discovering Buddhism program as a presentation of the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, and provides the context for practising the special integration experiences as instructed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
About the Teachers
Benny Law
Benny Law is a student of ABC since 1992 and has been leading the annual Nyung Nè Retreats from the late 90s. He has completed the 1st Basic Program (BP), a multi-year in-depth Buddhist philosophy program, in 2010. From 2011 to 2018, Benny attended the 2nd BP and conducted weekly revision classes for the 2nd batch students who require additional tutoring. He also helped prepare the 2nd batch students for their FPMT final exam in 2019. Benny is a registered FPMT teacher. |
Koh Guat Cheng
Guat Cheng has met many amazing teachers since joining ABC in the 1990s. She completed the 1st Basic Program, and attended the 2nd Basic Program, for which she was a coordinator and leader for group discussions. She also completed the FPMT Master Program (online). She is currently serving in the ABC Spiritual Program Coordination Committee. As a registered FPMT teacher, she hopes to share a little Dharma, with the wish that it plants some seeds of interest in others to learn more about the Buddha's teachings. |