We are pleased to announce that our resident teacher, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi, will commence weekly teachings on 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva via Zoom from May 2021 onwards.
37 Practices of a Bodhisattva is a classic text by the 14th century Kadampa master Gyalse Togme Sangpo, who was not only a great scholar but also a great practitioner who was widely considered to be a true Bodhisattva. In this text, Gyalse Togme Sangpo condenses the entire practice of a Bodhisattva into 37 stanzas. While the text is practical and concise, it contains layers of meaning and rewards a lifetime of study, reflection and practice.
The classes will be taught in Tibetan, with English translation by Venerable Yeshe Gyatso.
Registration is required. Please register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rde-upzMsGtHiBDBVkFb8qWSB83Elnqyz.
Please register using your full name. After registration, you will receive an email confirmation containing the zoom meeting link. This link is unique to you and should not be shared with others. Each link can be used to join each class from one device only.
To join each class, you must be logged in to your Zoom account. You can only join from the Zoom desktop client or mobile app. You will not be able to join from a web browser.
- Desktop client can be downloaded from HERE
- Android app from HERE
- iOS app from HERE
Root text
Please download the text from HERE
Guidelines on attending the Zoom classes
Although the classes are online, out of respect to the teacher, we request that attendees treat the classes as though they are attending the teaching in person at the gompa. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
Please join the classes on time.
- Please join the classes using your full name.
- Please keep your video ON and turn your audio OFF.
- Please be appropriately dressed.
- Please join from a quiet environment without any noise or movement in the background.
- As Khen Rinpoche is teaching from Kopan Monastery, where the internet connection may not be as stable, we request for your understanding should technical issues arise during the classes.
- Please note that if you do not adhere to the above guidelines, the ABC team reserves the right to terminate your session.