Since the Nineties, Amitabha Buddhist Centre has reached out to society at large with the wish to benefit others beyond the religious sphere. Visits were organised to nursing homes such as the SILRA Leprosy Home, and in 1999, we established Hospice Under the Care of Amitabha Buddha (HUCAB), a volunteer group that serves at the Dover Park Hospice.
We also care for the very young through our nursery cum kindergarten, abc children’s place, in the Tampines district. Our most recent initiative in non-sectarian service for othersis JINPA for Our Community, a food distribution project where we fund and donate basic groceries to help needy households in Singapore.
These secular programmes are in line with the Vast Visions of our Spiritual Director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, to bring peace and happiness to people everywhere. |