The lamrim, or stages of the path, is a presentation of Shakyamuni Buddha's teachings in a form suitable for the step-by-step training of a disciple. By depending on the lamrim, we can gradually train our mind in all the essential instructions of the Buddha towards enlightenment. Taught in English with Chinese translation.
Taught by: Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi (in English with translation into Mandarin)
Schedule: Every Sunday, 1.30 – 3.30 pm
Starting from 3 Mar 2019
以中文讲解的《菩提道次第》每个星期上一堂课,让所有对修行成佛的次第有兴趣的朋友共沾法益,特别是对中文较为熟悉的朋友。这些课将由中心的常驻导师 格西措尼堪仁波切以英语开示, 现场备有中文翻译。
适合: 任何有兴趣的朋友,包括曾上过上几个中文菩提道次第佛法课的朋友。
导师: 格西措尼堪仁波切 (英语教授,华语翻译)