Sponsorship for the Festival of Lights & Merit 2023



Celebrate the Four Great Events in Lord Buddha’s Life at the Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhgaya, India

“Those who offer 1,000 lights will be reborn when Maitreya Buddha shows the deed of gaining enlightenment and receives his first Dharma teachings.” -Arya Maitreya Sutra


The Festival of Lights and Merit celebrates the four most auspicious events in the life of Shakyamuni Buddha with offerings of thousands of electric lights, pujas, prayer flags and flowers at the holiest site in the world – the Great Stupa of Enlightenment in Bodhgaya – where Lord Buddha attained enlightenment.

The Four Great Buddhist Festivals

  • The 15 Days of Miracles
    21 February to 7 March 2023

  • Buddha’s Enlightenment and Parinirvana
    4 June 2023

  • First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma
    21 July 2023

  • Descent from the God Realm of the Thirty-three
    4 November 2023

Heaps of Blessings

The merit received from making offerings on any of these days is multiplied 100 million times. On top of that, offerings made in Bodhgaya are said to be eight times more powerful.

Festival of Lights & Merits is co-organised by Root Institute for Wisdom Culture and Amitabha Buddhist Centre.

Be a Sponsor

You can be a part of the Festival of Lights and Merit 2023 by sponsoring:

  • Up to 100,000 lights adorning the entire Mahabodhi Stupa grounds. The light offerings will be multiplied using Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Extensive Offering Practice.

  • Pujas (Tara, Guru and Protector Pujas) to be performed by the Namgyal Monastery monks in Bodhgaya.

  • Prayer flags hung around the gardens and lake of the Mahabodhi Stupa.

  • Beautiful flower offerings on the grounds of the Mahabodhi Stupa.

*Butter lamps will be offered in enclosed areas on two of the Festival Days instead of electric lights due to expected inclement weather. Additional alternative arrangements may be made if it is not viable to carry out any of these activities due to unforeseen circumstances.


Besides personal dedications, the merit from your offerings is dedicated to:

  • The long lives of our holy gurus, especially His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa Rinpoche, as well as all FPMT lamas and teachers.

  • The preservation and propagation of the pure Dharma.

  • Happiness and success for all sponsors and their loved ones.

  • The success of all FPMT projects.

  • World peace.
Please submit your sponsorship at least 2 weeks in advance in order for your dedications (if any) to be included into the upcoming Festivals.