About Sponsorship

Whether we pray to receive happiness for this life, our future lives, or to strive for ultimate enlightenment, we are relying on the Buddha to fulfil all our wishes. It is through our faith in the limitless extent of the Buddha’s qualities that we pay homage, offer prayers and seek blessings. To one as exalted as the Buddha, we worship by presenting the best and most generous offerings possible. It is through our acts of reverence that we create the cause to accumulate extensive merit and bring about the fulfilment of our wishes.


Why does any service or offering to Buddha have inconceivable, unimaginable, unfathomable merit? Because Buddha has unimaginable, unfathomable, and incomparable qualities. The limitless skies of benefit we receive are due to Buddha’s qualities, and Buddha achieved these limitless qualities in order to help us.

– Lama Zopa Rinpoche


At Amitabha Buddhist Centre, we perform all our prayers with multitudes of offerings because we understand that there is only benefit to be gained from venerating all the Buddhas and bodhisattvas in this manner.

We invite everyone to share in this gift of offering to the exalted merit field. Contribute to the sponsorship of our many prayer festivals and practice sessions. The funds go towards the purchase of a range of offerings: good quality food offerings, flowers, candles, and the making of ornamental torma ritual cakes for our special pujas. The blessed food offerings are often distributed at the end of the pujas to all those attending.

Whatever contribution given creates the cause to receive the result—immense merit. Donations for offerings can be made online to ABC Puja Fund.